Third Ventricular Dimension: A Critical Interpretation In Congenital Hydrocephalus


Talha K A1 , Hossain M. A2 , Islam M Md. A3 , Hossain S4 , Begum N A5 , Selina F6



  1. Thess part student of MS, Neurosurgery Depactment

    BSMMU, Dhaka.

  2. Professors & Chairman, Neurosurgery Department

    BSMMU, Dhaka

  3. Thesis part student of MS, Neurosurgery Department

    BSMMU, Dhaka

  4. Asst. Peof.

    NIPSOM, Dhaka

  5. Thesis part student of MID, Neonatology Department

    BSMMU, Dhaka

  6. Resident, Anaesthesiology Department

    BSSMU, Dhaka

Volume 2, Number 1 January 2004
Page: 45149