In Vitro Fertilization: Importance of Anesthetic Agent on Oocytes


Dr. K.M. Muzibul Haque1


Infertility is the main barrier to maintain inheritance. A child makes a bond between husband and wife or family.Infertility is not a mental disorder or manmade creature. It is a physical problem by being born or acquired.Either husband or wife, anyone can have this problem. Since ancient times, there are many procedures to solvethis problem by medicine or by surgery. Nowadays, IVF procedure is the scientific and modern treatment foran infertile couple. In our country there are IVF centers like other countries of the world. It is important to raisehuman awareness and give information about the treatment procedure. The government should be involvedin surveying the honesty of these centers as well as financial and social aspects. Anesthesia is also involvedwith this IVF procedure In this centre, anesthesia is given as a day case For this, a patient should be carefullyexamined. If there is any co-existing disease, those should be taken under treatment seriously. For givinganesthesia in this type of isolated centre patient selection, the equipment, manpower and postoperative supportshould be strictly maintained.


  1. Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesia, analgesia and ICU

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College

Volume 34, Number 1 January 2023
Page: 1